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Resilience and ambidextrous the side-to-side powerfull capacity of the 21st company Networking, informationn science, research, theory, Information Technologies, system, TICs

Resilience and ambidextrous the side-to-side powerfull capacity of the 21st company

Dear all, Please finf below title of our paper published in International journal of economic intelligence in december:...

6 Novembre 2016

L’entreprise du 21ème siècle résiliente et ambidextre, le numérique comme hypothèse de travail (2016). Recherche, research, science, N.T.I.C, theory, system, TICs, knowledge, web 2.0

L’entreprise du 21ème siècle résiliente et ambidextre, le numérique comme hypothèse de travail (2016).

Bonjour à tous, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication en décembre de notre article " L’entreprise...

6 Novembre 2016

The Territorial Intelligence Process: A Humanistic Path and a Realistic Mediation for Development of Hybrid Territories Networking, Recherche, research, science, Intelligence Territoriale, Territorial Intelligence, theory, Information Technologies, system, Sustainable development

The Territorial Intelligence Process: A Humanistic Path and a Realistic Mediation for Development of Hybrid Territories

Dear Friends, We are pleased to announce our paper "The Territorial Intelligence Process: A Humanistic Path and...

3 Novembre 2016

Territorial Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence : On Discussion Networking, research, science, Intelligence Territoriale, Territorial Intelligence, theory, system, hybrid territory

Territorial Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence : On Discussion

Dear Friends, We are pleased to announce our paper Territorial Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence : On Discussion...

3 Novembre 2016

Lentreprise-du-21eme-siecle-resiliente-et-ambidextre-le-numerique-comme-hypothese-de-travail science, system, SME's, hybrid, TICs, ambidextrie, résilience


Chers tous, Avec Yannick Bouchet, nous avons ouvert dans ResearchGate un chantier sur le thème: L'entreprise-du-21eme-siecle-resiliente-et-ambidextre-le-numerique-comme-hypothese-de-travail...

17 Juin 2016

Traité d'Initiation à l'usage de l'Apprenti Chercheur theory, TICs, informationn science, science, system

Traité d'Initiation à l'usage de l'Apprenti Chercheur

Chers Amis, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication de: "Traité d’initiation à l’usage de l’Apprenti-Chercheur...

15 Mars 2016

science, system, hybrid territory, intelligence, Territorial Intelligence, Information Technologies, innovation

Dear Friends, On behalf of the Asian Journal of Computer & Information Science Managing Director, We are pleased...

8 Mars 2016

From information to hybrid territories through intelligence and socio-technical information and communication (STICA). science, Sustainable development, system, theory, Territorial Intelligence, TICs, Développement durable, Développement économique, e government, Information Technologies

From information to hybrid territories through intelligence and socio-technical information and communication (STICA).

Information, intelligence & dispositifs de médiation pour des territoires hybrides Yann Bertacchini 1 , Paul Déprez2,...

19 Janvier 2016

« The territorial intelligence process ; Ecology of Communication for development of hybrid territory. » science, Sustainable development, Territorial Intelligence, Intelligence Territoriale, informationn science, Information Technologies, system, theory, TICs

« The territorial intelligence process ; Ecology of Communication for development of hybrid territory. »

« The territorial intelligence process ; Ecology of Communication for development of hybrid territory. » Bertacchini,...

22 Novembre 2015

The Territorial Intelligence Process: The Informational Perimeter Study of a 21 Local Agenda for Building an Ecology System of Communication science, Sustainable development, Territorial Intelligence, theory, TICs, system

The Territorial Intelligence Process: The Informational Perimeter Study of a 21 Local Agenda for Building an Ecology System of Communication

The Territorial Intelligence Process: The Informational Perimeter Study of a 21 Local Agenda for Building an Ecology...

22 Novembre 2015

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